
旧軽井沢・新軽井沢中軽井沢・千ヶ滝南軽井沢塩沢・発地・風越公園追分・借宿宿泊施設文化施設・教会スポーツ・レジャー観光協会員Hori Tatsuo literature MuseumThis museum serves to display and store materials related to the life of Hori Tatsuo, a writer with a profound love for Karuizawa. The museum has an exhibition room for learning about his life and literature, the house where he spent his last years, and a library with his favorite books. Visitors can also experience the origins of Karuizawa, a home to beauty.Nakasendo Rokujukyutsugi Museum軽井沢をこよなく愛した作家、堀辰雄に関する資料を展示・保管する文学館。生涯と文学の背景を知ることができる展示室、辰雄が晩年を過ごした住居、愛蔵書が納められた書庫館があり、「美しい村」で軽井沢の原点にふれる事ができます。中山道69次資料館室生犀星文学碑Saisei Muro literature monumentP18 map O-2P10 map G-2P18 map P-2Karuizawa Oiwakejuku Local Museum P10 map G-1正宗白鳥詩碑Hakucho Masamunepoetic monument軽井沢追分宿郷土館北原白秋詩碑Hakushu Kitaharapoetic monumentP18 map P-1Cultural monuments of KaruizawaP12 map I-2文化磁場油やShinano-Oiwake Magoutadochu FestivalAsama jinja浅間山鳴動の際、明治天皇の勅祭のあった社として有名。本殿は町内木造建築としては最古のもの。Cultural Exchange Place ABURAYA文化磁場油屋문화교류 소 ABURAYA P18 map P-2堀辰雄文学碑Tatsuo Hori literature monumentしなの追分馬子唄道中浅間神社19P18 map P-2P18 map O-2日本橋から京都三条大橋まで、江戸時代の旅を感じられる資料館です。This museum lets visitors what it would feel like to take a trip—from Nihonbashi to Sanjo Ohashi in Kyoto—in the Edo period.二手橋近くの矢ヶ崎川沿いに立つ文学碑。This monument is located along the Yagasaki River, near Nitebashi.二手橋の奥、森の中に佇む詩碑。A monument to poetry, standing in the forest deep within Nitebashi.追分宿の民俗資料や歴史資料等の貴重な資料を展示しています。Invaluable items such as Oiwakejuku folk cultural properties and historical materials are on display here.カラマツの芽吹きに感激して詠んだ絶章落葉松の詩碑。This is a poetry monument about the Japanese larch tree. Hakushu Kitahara was inspired to write it when he witnessed the tree flowering.This shrine is famous for being where a ceremony called Chokusai was held by the imperial envoy sent by Emperor Meiji when Mt. Asama gave a volcanic rumble. The main shrine is the oldest wooden structure in the village.堀辰雄が残した希少な毛筆による自筆の文が刻まれています。Contains etchings of Hori Tatsuo's words, which he wrote in his own hand with a rare kind of brush.毎年7月下旬に江戸時代の当時の雰囲気を現代に伝える祭りとして定着しています。Held every year in July, this festival lets visitors look upon how things were in the Edo period.追分宿の旧脇本陣。アート・クラフト・本などのイベントなどが春〜秋に開催されています。Located in the Post Town Oiwake, this former inn used to served both government officials and general travelers nowadays. Art, craft, book, and other events are held here spring through fall.Karuizawa, a Home to Beauty堀辰雄文学記念館軽井沢の文学碑

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