
お問合せ軽井沢ウエディング協会http://wedding.karuizawa-kankokyokai.jp/軽井沢リゾート会議都市推進協議会http://karuizawa-rcc.jp/お問合せ施設情報p25英国聖公会宣教師のA.C.ショーが軽井沢に魅了され1895年に礼拝堂を建てて以来、軽井沢には多くの教会が点在しています。今日まで、多くのカップルが教会で愛を誓い新しいスタートは、軽井沢から始まりました。Numerous churches have been built in the area since Alexander Croft Shaw's building of a cathedral here in 1895. Many couples have since exchanged vows at these churches and made Karuiza-wa the starting point for their new lives. The Karuizawa highland, mentally invigorating at 1,000 meters.Escape the noise of daily life and enjoying meetings in a new environment. Abundant natural surroundings outside meeting room windows in Karuiza-wa relax and refresh, ensuring important meetings go smoothly. Whatever their interest, whether sports, culture, or health improvement, participants will find that Karuizawa’s attractions can satisfy any demand.Resort Wedding軽井沢ウエディング

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