
旧軽井沢・新軽井沢中軽井沢・千ヶ滝南軽井沢塩沢・発地・風越公園追分・借宿宿泊施設文化施設・教会スポーツ・レジャー観光協会員P10 map G-2P10 map G-2Main Street of Kyu-KaruizawaP10 map G-3Karuizawa Oga hall聖パウロカトリック教会P10 map G-2重要文化財旧三笠ホテルP10 map F-1P10 map G-2P10 map F-3Karuizawa Shaw Memorial ChurchKyu-Karuizawa, Shin-Karuizawa英国聖公会宣教師アレキサンダー・クロフト・ショーが軽井沢に訪れ、夏を過ごしたのがリゾート軽井沢の最初でした。軽井沢には別荘や教会があり、訪れる人々を軽井沢の歴史の中に誘います。旧軽井沢商店街軽井沢大賀ホールThe St. Paul Catholic ChurchImportant cultural property Former Mikasa HotelMampei Hotel1894年、軽井沢初の洋風ホテルとして開業。本館アルプス館は1936年築で大きなステンドグラス等は当時の雰囲気を味わうことができます。Opened in 1894 as the first Western-style hotel in Karuizawa. With its large stained glass windows and other features, the main Alps building built in 1936 offers you a glimpse into that time period.Kumoba Pond万平ホテル雲場池11Missionary Alexander Croft Shaw was the first to come and spend a summer in the resort town of Karuizawa. With its vacation homes and churches, Karuizawa invites its visitors to become part of a rich history.カナダ人で「軽井沢開発の父」英国聖公会宣教師A.C.ショーにより創設された軽井沢で最初の教会。裏手にはショーの別荘が復元されています。Karuizawa's first church was built by Alexander Croft Shaw, a Canadian member of the Church of England and the “father of development in Karuizawa”. Shaw's summer home has been rebuilt behind the church.旧軽井沢のメインストリート。周囲には、別荘や歴史的建築があり、豊かな時間も過ごせます。Main Street in Kyu-Karuizawa. Surrounded by summer villas and historical buildings, this is a great place to enjoy a beautiful day.元ソニー株式会社名誉会長の故大賀典雄氏により軽井沢町に寄贈された音楽ホールで、軽井沢の音楽文化の中心的存在です。Built with donations to Karuizawa from former honorary Sony Corporation chairman Oga Norio, this music hall is a central feature in Karuizawa’s musical culture.1935年、英国人ワード神父により設立。名建築として知られ軽井沢を代表的する教会です。(A.レーモンドの設計)Designed by Antonin Raymond and established in 1935 by Leo Ward, a British priest, this famous structure is Karuizawa's best-known church.設計・施工が日本人の手による明治後期の純西洋式の木造ホテル。1980年5月、国の重要文化財に指定され、館内を見学できます。This purely Western-style wooden hotel was designed and constructed by Japanese carpenters at the end of the Meiji period. It was designated an Important Cultural Property of Japan in May, 1980. It is now a museum open to the public.四季折々の自然が美しい雲場池。湖面に映る春の新緑、秋の紅葉は素晴らしく、軽井沢の名所として知られています。A place of idyllic nature, from season to season. Kumoba Pond is well-known in Karuizawa for fresh verdure in Spring and majestic auburns and golds of the leaves in Fall reflected on the pond surface.Karuizawa, a Home to Beauty軽井沢ショー記念礼拝堂旧軽井沢・新軽井沢

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